Latest Entry:
Happy new year! I know I'm a month late but I forgot to make an entry when it actually was the new year. It hasn't been a great year so far. I hope that is just because it's winter. I hate winter after december. I have been learning Swedish. I am very new to it and it is confusing. If anyone has good Swedish media recommendations, feel free to put them in my guestbook or interact with me on Bluesky. If it's music, send me a rec on RateYourMusic.
What I've been listening to: Phobia - Breaking Benjamin, First & Last & Always - The Sisters of Mercy, again, not much.
It feels like I say this in every entry now but wow it has been a while. I finally got a job and it's not that bad. I'm probably going to buy some CDs with my first paycheck when I get it. Spotify Wrapped came out today. I don't use spotify but I do use YouTube, so here is my YouTube recap.
Top Artists
1. HIM
2. The Sisters Of Mercy
3. Savage Garden (top 0.2%)
4. Pet Shop Boys
5. Twenty One Pilots
Top Songs
1. It's a Sin - Pet Shop Boys
2. Santa Monica - Savage Garden
3. Some Kind of Stranger - The Sisters Of Mercy
4. Venus Doom - HIM
5. Affirmation - Savage Garden
Minutes Listened: 17,405
I mainly listen to music on my mp3 player or CDs but I think this is still accurate.
What I've been listening to: Under a Heart Shaped Sun - On The Floor, Venus Doom - HIM, honestly not much.
I was supposed to see The Sisters Of Mercy today. There was a hurricane that cause really bad damage and they STILL haven't postponed the show even though that would be better for everyone involved. They're probably still going to have it, and like 30 people are going to show up. I suspect that they (by they I mostly mean Eldritch, everyone else seems cool) are not postponing because they would have to move it to a smaller venue... There are still lots of tickets available for a similar price to what they were when I bought a ticket. This happened in New York already so I guess they wouldn't want it to happen again. But that's just a theory, a concert theory! This really sucks. There's absolutely no way I would be able to go if they have the concert today because I would have to travel. I requested a refund. If they postpone, I guess I'll get a ticket to the new show. I am extremely dissapointed in both the band and the venue, but I can't say I'm surprised.
What I've been listening to: A Slight Case of Overbombing - The Sisters of Mercy, What's Wrong With New York? - The Dare, Thought You Were Into It - Cova
So much for keeping up with this site. I'll eventually have to update it more cause I'm working on some stuff right now. Some of it is music, all of it is music related. I've been listening to a lot of music. Especially The Sisters of Mercy and The Dare. I have a ticket to see The Sisters Of Mercy soon and I am looking forward to that. I've seen bad reviews of their shows these days but I don't even care. It's not like I can go back in time to when their shows were good. They seem to be getting better with Kai in the band though. I've been really appreciating their music more lately. I've liked them for a while but I've been getting really into them recently. I've also discovered that Vision Thing is perfect driving music. I sprained my ankle and broke my CD player while listening to Temple Of Love today. I care more about the CD player. I've sprained my ankle a few times before. It's inconvenient but it's whatever. I only had one portable CD player, and I really wanted to keep listening to A Slight Case Of Overbombing. I am getting a new one soon though. The player was already not working as well as it used to, so I was in the market for a new one anyway. Back to talking about music, I love The Dare's album. I wasn't a big fan of his EP but I thought he had potential, and I was right. What's Wrong With New York will probably be my album of the year. There is not a bad song on it. I will absolutely be buying the record when I can. Maybe I'll get the signed copy. Edit: It's sold out. I should have just bought one since I technically have the money. It's probably good that I chose to save my money but also that would have been really cool to have.
The past few days, I have been working on this site. I'm probably going to get my drivers license soon. I should have gotten it last year but things happened. When that happens, it will be cool. There's not really anywhere to go without spending money though.
What I have been listening to: Tangerine Dream - Kaleidoscope, Bigger Than Yours - The Stereosexuals (I hate that I enjoy this EP)
Wow it has been a while since I've written here. I finally got around to updating this page. Its way cooler than how it used to look. I'm at a weird point right now. I'm moving soon but things are going a lot slower than I wanted them to go. I'm not in the Larkspurs or any bands. I enjoyed my time being in a band but I think I would be better off just focusing on my solo music, so that's what I've been doing. I've made a lot of jewelry and I'm thinking of starting a blog for my DIYS. I watched all of It's Always Sunny and I really liked it! I like that theres a lot of content around it that isn't the series itself. I hate when I get really into something where there's not a lot to engage with so it's nice that that's not the case here. This website is going to get a lot cooler and have more things soon.
What I've Been Listening To: Kiss Kiss - Reality vs. The Optimist, Savage Garden - Savage Garden, HIM - Dark Light.
Happy pride month everyone! It seems like all the companies have toned it down this year due to people getting mad last year. That's probably a good thing because now everyone knows that these companies don't actually care about the LGBT community. I don't do much to celebrate but this does give me an excuse to make some pride related things for my business. I think most of the flags are very pretty so I enjoy working with those color palettes. It has been a while since I wrote here. I have been writing about my music on Melonland. You can find me here. In real life not much has been happening. I've been listening to a lot of the band HIM. All their albums are so good.
On Thurday I saw Swans (the band not the bird). I meant to write about it then but I didn't get to that. It was a really good show! I got to be in the second row from the front for around 30 minutes but then I felt bad so I moved to the corner. The corner wasn't a bad spot though. I had a lot more space and I still had a decent view of the band. I think they played some new songs that haven't been on an album yet and that is very cool. People always say how loud Swans shows are and that was probably true in the past but honestly this show wasn't that loud. Maybe it was just this show specifically and the other shows are really loud. The only ear protection I had was foam earplugs and I was standing next to a speaker for most of the show and it still didn't seem that much louder than the local shows I go to. Speaking of local shows, I went to one today. It was at a record store. The show was great, I have seen this band a few times before but this was probably their best show. I was thinking about not going to record store day this year because the list didn't seem that great but I am very glad that I went. I got the record store day exclusive Sisters Of Mercy album. I don't know if it's an album though. it's two 12 inch records put together and I don't know what to call that. A compilation maybe? I was lucky to get it because I got the last one. I played it as soon as I got home and it's such a good record. There were no skips or anything, which should be normal for brand new albums but in my experience it's not. The record is blue and black and it looks really cool. The selection of songs is great. The store I went to also had a sale where all CDs and cassettes were two dollars each so I got a lot of those. I've gotten a lot more physical music since I last updated that part of the website. I will get to updating it eventually.
I've known about Conan Gray for a few years now but I never listened to him. I thought Heather was okay but I avoided him because I don't really like bedroom pop. I heard that he released a new album. I didn't plan on listening to it until I saw that it was a new wave/synthpop album. I'm not usually a fan of modern synthpop, but I still try to check out new releases sometimes. My biggest complaint about Found Heaven is that its trying to sound like 80's music without doing a whole lot that hasn't been done by the artist's that influenced it. It's hard to be original when making music, especially now when basically everything has been done before, but I feel like there are too many pop albums that try to sound like the 80's that have been released recently. That being said, not many do it better than Found Heaven does. I enjoyed listening to this. It took a bit for it to click with me but I'm very glad it did. Alley Rose and Lonely Dancers stand out the most to me. I definitely recommend this album.
Other Things: The blog posts will have titles now. I apologize for not touching this website or any of my others for a long time. I want to get back to it but the fact that I will have to replace all the graphics I made has made me less motivated to work on it. I am working on music for my solo project. I can't say for sure if anyone will get to hear it but I hope that's the case.
I found a way to fix the graphics issue! The website I was using to upload my images must have stopped allowing that. Another example of Discord being the worst. Anyways, I am using google notes to do that now. The urls are a lot longer, but at least it works. I still have access to all the graphics, so now I have to move each individual graphic to notes which will be annoying, but I think it will be worth it. I want to get back to working on this website more. The Lakrspurs are working on original music, when it comes out I will 100% link it here. I'm also not very good at talking about music, but I tried here.
I got another computer! Big things are coming. I have been listening to Linkin Park, mainly Minutes To Midnight. That album is so good, I don't get why people don't like it. 2024 is good so far. I lost a lot of my mp3s that were on my old computer but I have been rebuilding my music library. The Larkspurs have a new drummer. We have been practicing some new cover songs and this is easily my favorite group of songs we have had to learn.
My computer has stopped working. I will not be updating the site too much in the next few months. I do intend to get another computer. I am typing this on a phone and it is not very good for coding lol. Happy New Year everyone!
Wow, I haven't written here in a month. I didn't think it had been that long. Anyways, Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! I just wanted to say that The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance is an amazing album. It might be my second favorite album behind Marquee Moon by Television. I am not sure because those albums are way too different to compare. I guess they are both punk albums with glam rock elements but that is about it for similarities. There are moments on The Black Parade that hit harder than Marquee Moon but I have also been listening to MCR for 4 years and I only started listening to Television last year. There is one moment on The Black Parade that I don't like, and that is when there is a lower voice on Mama, on the "I should have been a better son" part. I like every moment on Marquee Moon. Having a favorite album has been important to me. I take that seriously, probably too seriously.
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR 10,000 VIEWS!!!!!! I know that isn't too much compared to some other websites but I have never had anything get 10,000 views before.
Let Love In by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds is such a great album. I have been listening to it a lot the past few days and I think it's a 10/10. I'm not sure if anyone actually reads these but if anyone is, go listen to it if you want. The lyrics are kind of messed up in some parts so I wouldn't listen if you have a problem with that. The album sounds amazing.
I am going to be changing this website a lot. I am going to archive this website as it is right now on the Wayback Machine because I have spent a lot of time on it, but a lot of it isn't representative of me anymore. The blog will change a lot. I am not going to get rid of any previous entries, even though I find some of them cringeworthy. I have been changing things a lot and trying to be less "chronically online." I like NeoCities because no one can say anything to me here. Technically, someone could message me somewhere else to complain about something on this site, but thankfully no one has done that. If anyone cares enough to do that, I'd be impressed more than anything. I do plan on setting up a new email though.
I hesitate to call bands that I haven't been listening to for long one of my favorites, but I think The Sisters Of Mercy will get to that point eventually. I first listened to them in May. That is when I first started to listen to INXS as well, and I consider them to be a favorite band. It took me a while to really get The Sisters Of Mercy though. I liked Floodland and First Last and Always when I heard them but it feels like I didn't really get into them until recently. Anyways, I think they are a very good band. They are still touring, and even though its unlikely, I really hope they come to Georgia. I get why Andrew Eldritch does not want to come to America, but they did play Sick New World so it's not impossible for them to play in the US again. Speaking of concerts, My friends and I didn't end up seeing Depeche Mode. We all had the money to go but when we went to buy the tickets, the service fees were really expensive. I think ticket websites should include the service fees in the price so you know what you're actually paying. Yesterday I got 2 new records (from Walmart lol). I got Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance, and Dookie by Green Day. They were both on colored vinyl and I think that's cool because I don't have a lot of colored vinyl. I basically only talk about music here, and that is because I don't like talking about my personal life, but I will say it seems like things are going well for me. I hope writing this doesn't make the opposite happen.
Wow, it has been a while. A lot has happened since I wrote here. The band I'm in is called Larkspurs again. We played a show recently and we did pretty good. It definitely was not my best performance because I had my guitar plugged into a bass amp which caused a lot of feedback. The crowd seemed to like us though. I got a record cabinet which is cool. I haven't been record shopping as much as I used to go but I do plan to go on black friday. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I have been listening to a lot of Felt. I first started listening to them april of this year, but they didn't really click with me until I got recommended their album Ignite The Seven Cannons in an album exchange. Even after that it took a while for me to listen to their other albums but yestereday I just binged the ones I hadn't heard. I really like Felt. There are bands I like better but Felt is exactly the kind of music I have been needing more of in my life. It's not very loud but it's not boring.
Update on my last entry: turns out Careless Whisper sounding bad has nothing to do with my earbuds working or not, the mixing is just that bad. Now I understand why people credit it to George Michael instead of Wham!, because the mixing on the Wham version is very different. After listening to both versions, I think they are both good. The George Michael version is a bit shorter, and I am biased towards it because it is the version of the song I listened to before I listened to Make It Big in full. I definitely prefer it, but I don't mind the Wham version too much anymore. A few days ago, I got an mp3 player, and I love it. It is already 1/3 full, and I haven't even added everything I want to add to it. The first album I added was Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance. I can also listen to the radio on it which is very cool! I have been getting into MCR again lately. They are genuinely an amazing band. I liked a lot of "emo" music in middle school, but I think they are the only band I liked back then that aged well. I listened to some other emo albums I had never heard before last night. (specifically, Sing The Sorrow by AFI and Page Avenue by Story Of The Year) I don't see myself preferring emo over the post punk and new wave that I normally listen to, but I do want to explore it more. The last time I looked for new emo music, I thought 21 Pilots were an emo band, lol.
It is technically September 9th because it's 12 am. I need to say this somewhere so I will say it here. I absolutely hate listening to Careless Whisper by Wham! when my earbuds are broken, which is basically all the time. I love Careless Whisper I think it is genuinely one of the best songs ever made and the fact that I can rarely listen to it the way it's intended to be listened to makes me sad. It is still good with one earbud working but it doesn't feel the same. I wish there was a mono mix or something. I hate the way some older songs are mixed. It's a problem with a lot of songs but especially Careless Whisper. On a better note, I am probably going to the fair today so that's cool.
The new Olivia Rodrigo album was released today. She is an artist that I haven't been a fan of but I think she has a lot of potential to be good. I didn't know who she was at the time, but I remember when Bizzardvark and High School Musical The Musical The Series came out. I also remember listening to sour shortly after it was released and how Driver's Liscence was played everywhere on TikTok. Olivia is interesting to me because I have witnessed her entire career in real time. I was a freshman in high school when everyone was listening to Sour. I have changed a lot since then, and so has Olivia Rodrigo. GUTS goes in a lot of new directions, but there is also a lot of ballads like the ones on Sour here. I do not like any of the ballads she has made, aside from Ballad Of A Homeschooled Girl but I don't think that counts. I really think she should stop writing every song about her ex. Her songwriting comes off as immature a lot of the time, especially when she swears. However, when it doesn't come off as immature it is amazing. I think her best songs are Jealousy, Jealousy and Brutal from Sour, and Bad Idea Right?, Ballad Of A Homeschooled Girl, and All American Bitch from GUTS. The new album feels very front loaded, but there are definitely great moments on it. Overall it wasn't the best but I am looking forward to seeing where she goes from here.
Today I went to the dollar store and got some Halloween stuff. I also made a page on the website for Halloween stuff. I think Sonic Youth is a very cool band. I have been listening to them. I got reminded of their cover of Superstar and decided I should listen to more of their music. I listened to Confusion Is Sex and I think it's pretty good. I heard Daydream Nation a while ago and it is a very good album but it hasn't clicked with me yet. I love the sound of it but I can only remember things about 2 or 3 songs. Goo is also amazing. I am listening to it now. Larkspurs changed their name to Stileto.
I'm back. I made A Tumblr again. I don't want to disclose it right now but I might in the future. I have been listening to the album Chairs Missing by Wire a lot. I love it it's so good. I don't say something is a 10/10 lightly, and Chairs Missing definitely is. I got some new records, I'll add them to the site later. I want to add things to the CD section too.
I haven't really had much to blog about the last few days. I had my first day of work today. It was not very good but having money is pretty cool. I probably won't go to Darker Waves even when I get the money. The only reason I might have been able to go is because we would already have been in California around that time being tourists and stuff. The festival happened to be in the same time frame. Unfortunately things changed, but it's okay. The only band I'm certain I won't be able to see in the future is The B-52's because they are retiring. I have a few other concerts I would like to go to. My friends and I want to see Depeche Mode later this year. That will be fun. I need to listen to more modern music. I prefer old music but unfortunately most of the older bands aren't that good anymore. If anyone is reading this and has any reccomendations, feel free to share. I hope to eventually add a chat feature on this website, in case anyone wants to use it, but for now you can contact me on Spacehey. I'll probably accept your friend request if you're not weird lol.
This is the first blog post here. I will probably update the look of this page one day, but not today. This will kind of be like a diary, but heavily edited. I will talk about whatever I would like to talk about, I imagine it will mainly be things about this website and also music. I am listening to Passage by the Carpenters as of writing this. It's pretty good so far. I haven't listened to any of their albums yet but I have known their most popular songs for years. This is supposed to be their worst, but if this is their worst, their other albums must be very good. I have been trying to get tickets for the Darker Waves festival. Lots of bands I like are playing there. If I go, I would like to see Echo & The Bunnymen, Soft Cell, and The B-52's the most, but the other bands are also good. The problem is that the tickets are so expensive. I got a job recently, so hopefully I will have the money soon. Today, I started watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I've only seen the first episode but it seems good.