This is a place for a few different things, mainly for me to express my thoughts on music. I'm a musician myself. I play guitar, bass, and keyboard. I also enjoy fashion and movies. I am in the beginning stage of becoming a fashion designer, I mainly make accessories and alter already existing clothes right now. This website was started in March of 2023. Something happened where all the graphics I made stopped showing up. I am slowly fixing this, and the website is still usable. The graphics I did not make are still here.


4/29/24: Removed 2 blinkies at the bottom of this page. I forgot how blinkies cafe works so the blinkies that were there were different than the ones I meant to put there. I guess that was for the best because theres nothing on my youtube and I barely use tumblr. Also sorry for not doing song of the day for a few days, I didn't know what to put there.

4/20/24 added blog post

4/16/24: I finally changed the front page. This is a lot cooler in my opinion.