Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Noel (pronounced like the christmas song), I am a musician and aspiring fashion designer. I love 60s-2000's music, alternative fashion, old technology, and somewhat niche TV shows. My pronouns are He/Him and I am 17 years old. Click here to read my blog.
- changed the front page again
It's kind of ugly right now but it's better at it's job than the old one.
-Updated Index
-Added Guestbook
-Redid the blinkies page and removed some blinkies. I have no idea why I felt the need to have like 10 blinkies saying that I was gay and liked music. That was obvious. I also had some blinkies of bands I don't really listen to so those are not there anymore. I also made it so that all the blinkies will appear the same size so I can put any blinkies on there and it won't look weird.8/14/24: We are so back!!! I updated my blog layout.
5/7/24: The blinkies were causing trouble again so I removed them entirely. I will make a page for my contacts at some point.
4/29/24: Removed 2 blinkies at the bottom of this page. I forgot how blinkies cafe works so the blinkies that were there were different than the ones I meant to put there. I guess that was for the best because theres nothing on my youtube and I barely use tumblr. Also sorry for not doing song of the day for a few days, I didn't know what to put there.
4/20/24 added blog post
4/16/24: I finally changed the front page. This is a lot cooler in my opinion.